
July 28, 2023

1. Terms of use

This terms of use document outlines the conditions under which you can utilize our website, whether you’re a visitor or a registered user. Using the website encompasses actions such as accessing, browsing, or signing up for an account.

Before you begin using the website, we strongly advise you to carefully review these terms of use, as they govern your interactions with the site. It’s a good idea to keep a printed copy of these terms for future reference.

By using the website, you are confirming your acceptance of these terms of use and your commitment to abide by them. If you do not agree with these terms, you are not permitted to use the website.

2. Changes to these terms.

We reserve the right to update these terms of use by making changes to this page. It’s important for you to periodically review this page to stay informed about any modifications we make, as these changes will be legally binding on you. If you continue to use the website after these changes have been posted, you are implicitly agreeing to abide by them. If you do not wish to be bound by the updated terms of use, refrain from using the website.

3. Information about use.

We may periodically enhance the website and modify its content as needed. Nevertheless, it’s essential to be aware that any content on the website might become outdated, and we have no obligation to refresh it.

We cannot assure that the website, or any of its content, will be completely devoid of errors or omissions.

4. Electronic communications.

When you access the website or send us emails, you are engaging in electronic communication with us. For contractual matters, you acknowledge and accept that you consent to receiving electronic communications from us, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we transmit electronically fulfill any legal requirement for written communication. This condition does not impede your statutory rights.

5. Termination.

These terms of use remain in effect until they are terminated. We reserve the sole discretion to terminate your access to the website at any time and for any reason, including if we believe you have breached or acted contrary to the essence of these terms of use. Upon such termination, your permission to use the website will be immediately revoked.

6. Contact us.

If you have any inquiries about the interpretation or application of these terms of use, kindly address them to support@capitalcreation.com. Please be aware that email communications may not be completely secure; therefore, refrain from including sensitive information like credit card details in your email correspondence with us.